After thorough research, Niels Frost Rasmussen has brought the concept to Denmark from Germany, where this method has been used for more than 25 years for the production of feed. Today, more than 500 mobile mixing plants serve German farmers and industry – and the market is still growing. Based on the German success and an overwhelmingly positive feedback from both feeding consultants, financial institutions and Danish farmers, CR Foderservice sees a great future for the mobile mixing plants in Denmark.

The mobile mixing plants are primarily aimed at:
»The piglet producer
»The slaughter pig producer
»The industry
»The transition from finished feed to mobile home-mixed feed is easy for the individual farmer – and does not require the large investments
»CR Foderservice currently produces feed for customers with an annual need from 200 tonnes – 4500 tonnes.
»CR Foderservice today also produces for home mixers where logistics to the customer’s other properties is a challenge.

to the Danish farmers and CR-Foderservice is now nationwide. It is run 6 days a week for 12 hours so that service and capacity are utilized in the best possible way.
